“Instalment Agreement”, the Lender and the Borrower agree to and jointly abide by this Agreement. Adhering to the principles of equity, voluntary, honesty and reputation, there is no consensus, this small loan agreement is signed and ensures compliance and performance by the parties.
Article 1
Loan Form: Use an unsecured ID card to request a loan.
Article 2
Premium interest rate:
Interest rates, fines, service charges or any fees. Total not more than 25% per year.
Article 3
During the loan tenure, the borrower has to:
(1) Pay interest at the same time.
(2) To give capital on time.
(3) If it is not possible to borrow money from the account due to the borrower"s problem, the borrower should cooperate with the lender to finalize the payment.
(4) comply with all the terms of the contract.
Article 4
(1) In cases where a borrower obtains a loan online without providing collateral, the lender assumes the financial risk. To mitigate this, the borrower must provide a loan guarantee to verify their financial liquidity and ensure their ability to meet the minimum repayment requirements. As part of this process, the borrower is required to maintain a loan guarantee equivalent to 10% of the approved loan amount in the lender’s designated account.
(2) Once this contract is signed, both the borrower and the lender are legally bound to comply with all its terms and conditions. Any breach by either party grants the other the right to take legal action. If a party fails to comply, they will be required to pay a penalty of 20% of the outstanding installment amount, unless a valid objection is raised.
(3) If a credit transfer cannot be completed due to an issue caused by the borrower, the lender has the right to request the borrower’s cooperation in resolving the matter. Once the issue is resolved, the lender is obligated to process the transfer without further delay.
(4) The borrower must repay the loan, including interest, within the timeframe specified in the contract. If an extension is needed, the request must be submitted and disbursed at least five days before the contract expires.
(5) Failure to repay on the agreed due date will result in a three days grace period. After this period, a penalty interest rate of 0.5% per day will be applied to the overdue amount until the balance is fully settled.
Article 5
Lending: Before granting a loan, the lender has the right to consider the following matters and take a decision to grant the loan as a result of the review:
(1) The Borrower has entered into this Agreement Completion of legal formalities (if any) relating to the loan under the Act, such as regulatory delivery of government permits, approvals, registrations and relevant laws;
(2) whether the Borrower has paid the costs associated with this Agreement (if any);
(3) whether the borrower has complied with the loan terms specified in this Agreement;
(4) whether the business and financial position of the borrower has changed adversely;
(5) If the Borrower breaches the terms specified in this Agreement.
Article 6
(1) The borrower cannot use the loan for illegal activities. Otherwise, the Lender reserves the right to require the Borrower to repay the principal and interest promptly and the legal consequences shall be borne by the Borrower.
(2) The borrower shall repay the principal and interest within the period specified in the contract. For the overdue portion, the lender is entitled to recover the loan and collect 5% of the total amount due.
Article 7
Modification or termination of contract: In all of the above provisions, neither party is permitted to modify or terminate the contract without permission. When either party wishes to bring to the fore such facts in accordance with the provisions of the law, he must notify the other party in writing in time for the settlement. After this Agreement is modified or terminated, the Borrower shall repay 30% to the principal and interest in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Article 8
Dispute Resolution: Both parties agree to amend the terms of this Agreement through negotiation. If the negotiations do not agree, you can ask the local arbitration committee to mediate or bring the matter to a local court.
Article 9
The lender assumes the credit risk of the borrower. Due to the "new corona pandemic", the central office requires borrowers to purchase personal accident insurance. If the borrower is unable to repay the loan on time due to force majeure, the lender may ask the insurance company to assist in the payment of the borrower"s loan and the loan should be transferred to the borrower"s account. Borrowing is specified in the internal contract. Half an hour after the purchase, if the borrower signs the contract but does not comply with the terms, the company considers it a serious fraud and will take the credit dispute to the people"s court. The anti-contract king is also presented. After purchase, if the lender does not lend on time, the borrower has the right to sue directly in the local court.
Article 10
This short loan agreement takes effect from the date of its signing by both parties (including the electronic agreement). The text of the contract has the same legal effect. The lender and borrower keep a copy of the contract.
Lender: Credit
1. Customer commits and confirms that all information, data, documents that Customer Goods supplied to under the provisions of this Contract are under the management of legal use, use and possession of the Customer; true; correct on all facets and no information is hidden and Personal loan maximum approval limit is not more than 5 times of income.
2. The Customer agrees and allows The company to receive information related to the Agreement Loan Agreement and documents related to the Loan Agreement. The company is allowed to disclose to any third party any information relating to the Customer and/or related in connection with the Contract, Loan Agreement and/or other relevant documents at any When is the company’s decision right and necessary without obtaining the consent of the Customer.
Customer agrees that The foregoing information may be used, encrypted, transmitted and stored by the company and its management company, its branches, subsidiaries and member companies other assets of the company.
3. According to the qualification of each applicant and or setting a credit limit and or the interest rate received depend on the loan application document and or the terms and conditions within the company, however, any such approval shall be at the discretion of the company.
4. Regardless of any or all installments, the Company has the right to collect interest during the default period, rate at the company deemed appropriate, but not exceeding the maximum rate as the Company Has the right to collect legally and you will still be charged a debt collection fee at the rate of accounting cycle.
5.Borrowers can know the preliminary approval results when submitting a loan application .
7.The company reserves the right to use the company s internal rules and policies approving the credit line, or reject the can request including the approval of special interest rates However, if it is found that the borrower s qualifications do not meet the criteria and conditions that the company set forth at any time and for any reason The borrower agrees to allow the company have the right to change The interest rate includes the credit line usage fee that the borrower will have to pay to the Company. The interest rate includes such fees shall not exceed the maximum rate required by law.
8.The Customer will not make any claim against insurance of any claim for any loss of any nature Which substance is due to the company unilaterally terminating the Contract according to the terms of this Agreement.
9.Debt collection expense of the installment repayment by bank deposit or accounting cycle.
Loans are risky, borrowing needs to be cautious. Consume rationally and avoid overdue.